
Hacking MY hotmail

Explained: The Harmony Horizon Bridge Hack

Any way to brute-force a weak password gmail?

I am being targeted

Securing Account

Canadian admits to hacking spree with Russian cyber-gang

A Robot That Punishes Me if it Detects That I am Procrastinating on My Assignments

Is it legal to ddos and take down an illegal website on the dark web?

Was it possible to hack television stations that are broadcasting live in 2008?

Bluetooth Jamming.

Is there a way to bypass the admin Wall and install a program in Windows?

Hacked into someone's wifi. Precautionary measures?

Is it possible to access system sounds on Bluetooth headphones

The government of Lithuania announced on Monday that it had been hit by an “intense” cyberattack, likely launched from Moscow

Break into my website for fun!

Add on for auto HDR in Windows 10?

Freshie looking to get into all things IT

Will using Ethercap on a vm hinder its search for hosts on the main network.? Tried it and couldn’t find all addresses on that network. Don’t know why

Can malware insert cookies into your browser?

Getting threats from a Crypto website as they have my Gmail address, IP address from Sign Up. Can they put any harm on me?

Hello World, I created a new sub dedicated to sharing exploits to reward systems.

Do any of you all remember ragebooter hack for free samples possible?

Hacker News: ‘Reverse Engineering’ Hacker News into an API

Hacker News: Show HN: Tone v0.0.4 – now hackable command line audio tagger, any feedback?

Deauther watch

How to scan ports thru firewall.

cracking phpmyadmin

Forgot my pin is there a software to fix it?

Key fob copying?

Getting into old YouTube account?

Awesome-RCE-techniques: A list of step by step techniques to achieve Remote Code Execution on various apps!

I am a troll

Why hasn’t the Advanced Encryption Standard(AES) never been compromised?

Someone Online Knew My Details

Google's frp bypass?

Mi band 6

Interesting stuff

Can someone explain keepalive headers?

ask for a rare cipher

new accounts they create my also be blocked?

My friends call history is tracked

Can anyone tell me someone’s name and address from their number?

What are good bug bounties to start with?

Detect real BTC scammers with Wallet-Tracker

Wrote a small article on DNS Amplification based DDoS Attacks

Seeking imagery

Looking for a mentor someone to guide me through from someone that knows nothing and learning python to a hacker

getting email back

Why do universities not want students participating in bug bounty programs?


Anyway to hack a iPad passcode?

GTFOBins - a curated list of Unix binaries that can be used to bypass local security restrictions in misconfigured systems.

If I have a dynamic IP and I use a different device to register on a website I already have an account on, would it still know it’s the same person?

Is malware more often a worm or a virus?

Reverse Engineering an old Mario & Luigi game for fun

Freaked out…

There's a group of hackers holding hostage most Ubisoft account names.

Without adequate authentication for admin page of Multi-Function Printer, the MFPs admin page has become a major target for data breaches. Analysis report on data lekage due to Multi-Function Printer vulnerability.

Is there a place where I can find someone?

Has anyone had good result with the adjective-noun-3# pass list, against spectrum? The wordlist resides in the wiki of this subreddit.

Is there any place where I can get DarkComet?

Best VPN to use?

Programming language for Offensive Security?

I really wanna start doing CTFs and making friends with similar interests but I don't know how.

Anyone here heard of witchhack@aol . Com?

Do VM’s have a unique MAC address?

Trackers: The Sound of 16-Bit

temp number

Hacker News: Police linked to hacking campaign to frame Indian activists

At what point is hacking considered illegal?

Bait and Switch Attack they don’t talk about

mitmproxy2swagger - Automatically reverse-engineer REST APIs via capturing the traffic

how to open galleryvault media from file manager?

I made a website can detect over 1000 extensions and shows you the percentage of users that share the same extensions.

Is hacking still an issue on college campuses?

ORACLE CLOUD. An unprivileged user can query information about all cloud service (with ids, admin emails, public ssh keys...) without any policy allowing it and NO WAY to block it.

Hacking my own home network

Hacker News: A hackable hobby programming language

Jail time and searches

Best place to find DB leaks?

not hacking related but idk where else to post. does anyone know how to find someone’s insta account from their photos? i have their pics but i dont who it is or what their account is

Keylogging for the Truth

How Bug Bounty Uncovered A 5-Year-Old Vulnerability In Hours

Best rule set for hashcat in 2022?


Is it possible to grab an IP from someone without them looking at anything you send?

What characteristics do you and companies possess that tend to attract cyberattacks, and why do hackers target them?

Is it possible to get hacked just by getting redirected to a compromissed website?

I asked the DALL-E ai to show me "A potato with a hat hacking into a computer#

Prevent transfer data to USB being monitored or tracked .

I got hacked by a malicious file, what's the best way to open it and learn about it?

Can someone put a key logger on my computer (Mac) by me clicking their link?

Any brute force password cracking software?

Pentesters of Reddit! Have you ever worked an environment that was being/had been unknowingly breached?

Can someone program an alexa skill for me?

Compromised hardware

Can HTTPS be decrypted if connected to a malicious router?

Hertzbleed - a new family of side-channel attacks

What software of brute force attack can I download to recover passwords?

Metasploit 6.2.0 improves credential theft, SMB support features, more

Track someone's phone

Are there any desktop applications that work like devtools?

Bug Hunting Automation

Does the MT7610U USB chip support monitor mode and packet injection?

Could I have some assistance

Any way to brute force or find the link that the correct password would lead to?

Does anyone know why my vpn think im in the US but websites think im russian or dutch?

Harassment Issues?

usb key to input text when plugged in

How to Check Multiple Websites for TLS Certificate status?

MIT Researchers Discover New Flaw in Apple M1 CPUs That Can't Be Patched

Hacker News: Hacking the S-100 Bus

i want to know about wifi hacking or cracking wifi password using letter by letter matching

I made a browser extension that spoofs your location data to match your VPN. It can also spoof your user agent.

Fedex tracker. Any fun with it?

finding the owner of a phone number.

Will it be very difficult or impossible to hack things in future

Thoughts on DPN Services (e.g. Deeper Network)?

Hacked my speeding ticket (DO NOT DO THIS)

Encrypted Harddrives

AD security best practices

AMA Just finished my first week as security engineer intern at Uber.

AOL 3.0 Reverse Engineered in... TempleOS?

NoSQL Injection Vulnerability and Exploitation's


bandwidth increase

Kali Linux team to stream free penetration testing course on Twitch

Can i change my gmail pfp when it's locked by the administrator

My Ex hacked my account & now I am scared everyone hates me.

Old phone with password which I don't have