I got hacked by a malicious file, what's the best way to open it and learn about it?

Context: Here's how the hack went. I clicked it and immediately knew I messed up. It closed only one program (the account that got hacked) and then logged me out of it.

Basically I got a file from somebody I trusted which unfortunately hacked my account. Well, that's okay. I got the account back, and instead of deleting the file, I want to know exactly what it does. Is there a good program to use that'll isolate the file in maybe an environment that's safe to open it in or is there a good program that'll just tell me what it does or the scripts involved?

If it's a keylogger that's bad, but if it's just a one time dealio that's okay. Basically I want to find out if it's safe to simply delete the file.

Any recommendations otherwise? Should I completely wipe my hard drive? Should I set up a new drive for my system? Do malicious files usually download to all drives or just the system drives?

submitted by /u/Cryterionlol
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/BZkGDgj
