How often do criminal hackers actually get traced, arrested & prosecuted?

I read a lot of Dark Reading and thus articles about data breaches, credit card skims and so on. In addition, the consensus right now seems to be that almost all remote digital activity is traceable with the right tools. So it follows that petty criminal hackers (i.e. those who aren't hacking for a govt agency) will get traced and arrested.

How often does this actually happen? Cause it seems to me that if it's such a high-risk crime people would rarely do it. Is it actually quite resource-intensive to trace and arrest hackers, is it actually quite common so resource is spread thin, or is it just a low priority for law enforcement (until a "big target" is hit)?

Don't worry, I'm not hoping for a low answer and then changing career.

submitted by /u/Jamurai92
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from hacking: security in practice
