OpenSSL Encryption or Password checking/hacking - AliExpress Vehicle Digital Cluster (Linux)

Bear with me here - I have a digital instrument cluster in my car from AliExpress.
It runs on a restricted linux system - in that the buyer (me) has no access to the file system other than an OTA folder and an SSH login with a very restricted command set and no access outside of a specified folder.

I have been sent about 3 or 4 updates over the last 7 months - I *think* they are encrypted using OpenSSL but not entirely sure. The first text is "Salted" when viewing with a hex editor. I forget the online file checker I used but that suggested it was encrypted via OpenSSL.

The update process is to put the file - named "gor.tar.bz2" - onto a USB stick, and the system will automatically extract the files and complete the update. Is there any type of script or something I could use - for example, named that would somehow execute and catch the password used to attempt to open it? Or perhaps some other command I could try to use to catch the password or full command the system is using to extract the files?

submitted by /u/_IAmOrion_
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from hacking: security in practice
