Someone may find this fun. Hit every single port. This is a base start. > GPT-4o: Lets say i wanted to send one byte to ports 1-80. Save the response in a postgreSQL database, for each port address. Run this all from a python script instead of C.

To achieve this in Python, you can use the socket library for sending the byte to the desired ports and then use psycopg2 or psycopg3 to interact with a PostgreSQL database to save the response for each port. Below is a Python script that sends one byte to ports 1-80, receives the response, and saves it to a PostgreSQL database:


  1. Install the psycopg2 package: bash pip install psycopg2-binary

  2. Create a PostgreSQL table for storing the results: sql CREATE TABLE port_scan_results ( id SERIAL PRIMARY KEY, port INTEGER NOT NULL, response TEXT );

Python Script:

```python import socket import psycopg2

Connect to PostgreSQL database

def connect_db(): conn = psycopg2.connect( dbname="your_db_name", user="your_username", password="your_password", host="localhost" # Or the relevant IP address for your PostgreSQL server ) return conn

Save results to PostgreSQL

def save_to_db(conn, port, response): cursor = conn.cursor() cursor.execute("INSERT INTO port_scan_results (port, response) VALUES (%s, %s)", (port, response)) conn.commit() cursor.close()

Send one byte to a specific port and get the response

def send_byte_to_port(ip, port): try: sock = socket.socket(socket.AF_INET, socket.SOCK_STREAM) sock.settimeout(2) # Timeout after 2 seconds if no response sock.connect((ip, port)) sock.sendall(b'A') # Send one byte (A)

 # Receive the response response = sock.recv(1024).decode('utf-8') # Receive and decode the response sock.close() return response except socket.error as e: return str(e) # Return the error as the response if there's an issue 

def main(): ip_address = "" # Target IP address, replace with your target conn = connect_db() # Connect to PostgreSQL database

for port in range(1, 81): # Loop through ports 1 to 80 response = send_byte_to_port(ip_address, port) print(f"Port {port}: {response}") save_to_db(conn, port, response) conn.close() # Close the PostgreSQL connection 

if name == "main": main() ```


  1. Socket Handling:

    • A socket is created for each port in the range 1 to 80.
    • One byte (the letter 'A') is sent to the target IP on each port.
    • A response is received (if any) and stored.
    • A timeout is set for 2 seconds to ensure the script doesn't hang if a port doesn't respond.
  2. PostgreSQL Interaction:

    • The script connects to a PostgreSQL database using psycopg2.
    • The save_to_db() function inserts the port and the response (or error) into the port_scan_results table.
  3. PostgreSQL Table:

    • The port_scan_results table stores the port and the response for each scan.


  • Error Handling: The script handles socket errors by capturing them and storing the error message as the response.
  • Timeout: Each socket connection has a 2-second timeout, ensuring that non-responsive ports don’t cause the script to hang.

This script will scan ports 1-80, save responses in a PostgreSQL table, and run entirely in Python.

submitted by /u/ejpusa
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from hacking: security in practice
