I hacked in to a camera


I was able to hack in to a camera. Well... actually a camera my dad bought off Alibaba and set up in our wifi to check the front door. I had a suspicion that a shitty camera from Alibaba probably wont be very secure and as a challenge I tried to "hack" the camera. I found an open ftp port. I managed to connect via filezilla and even found a saved jpg of myself entering my home lol.

My question is how could I go on from here? I'm not planing on making the camera unusable or something like that but I would like to open a SSH connection if possible. I think I would need to set up ssh first for that to work. Thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/EatKebab1233
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/PXG4uqp
