Get past bitlocker on my own hard drive

Wife's laptop CPU bit the dust, so I got an enclosure to try and save her data. However, the SSD is apparently encrypted with BitLocker. So far I haven't been able to locate an account that is connected to the bitlockerid, so I can't find the passcode.

I bought the computer from a guy off Craigslist back in 2017. I'm working on tracking him down since it might be from his account I guess.

I tried booting another computer with the drive but it still asks for the passcode.

So first, any ideas how to get the data off the drive?

Second, why did it never prompt me for the pass code when it was in the now dead computer? Is there a way to fool it into thinking it's back in the right computer?


submitted by /u/stonetelescope
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from hacking: security in practice
