Breaking words into de search bar and .gov and .gob files showed 😱

Breaking words into de search bar and .gov and .gob files showed 😱

Im not a hacker or something, Im just a very curious woman with serious mental disorders under pharmacological psychosis treatment.

(I do broke language and symbols and looking into patterns ONLY when I’m bored πŸ₯±or psychotic 😳)

I broke a this sentence on the search bar “dime algo oui” = ie dm ag lo oui

That means “Tell me something oui” in Spanish and French

And I got wide variety of governmental links to pdfs and xls documents

I tried breaking the sentence “who is reading me” and “it’s that you United states” and getting the same kind of results

Is this a how machines decode simple language configuration? Why the machines replying my question with this documents?

Can someone explain me why this happen?

It’s a very simple breaking thing I just pick a one letter πŸ‘ , and the next one no πŸ‘Ž

Thank you πŸ™

Note: I experimented very serious psychosis in the past and ended in the psych unit when tried to find messages hidden from specific sources and once when I wanted to decode how Romaji JIS worked.

I’m not a very smart person I left college maybe this will sound very stupid to you.

submitted by /u/Anexate_tu
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from hacking: security in practice
