Looking for suggestions on the most effective antenna.

Looking for suggestions on the most effective antenna.

So the plan is to make a rig that I can leave in a location, login via shell and recon the surrounding area. I have an external power supply. Specs of the pc are 630 mhz celeron 4gb ssd 64gb sdcard 4gb ram. I’m gonna try Bullseye or Bookworm minimal install. I have a few network card choices, I could use an TL-WN722NV1/V3 or I have a couple internal nics that don’t mind promiscuous mode. I’ve made a couple working cantenna’s before but I’m not overly experienced with antennas. I’m looking for suggestions on the most effective antenna I could build for this setup. I would prefer if it was flat and didn’t exceed the width and length of the rig which is approximately 225x165mm so it could all be contained in one neat little cube. Any suggestions on the antenna would be helpful, if you have any suggestions on the build they are welcome also, thanks in advance.

submitted by /u/insom7
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