Should I learn C/C++ or assembly?

I’ve learned two important things since going on this journey: 1.) You have to legitimately like computers if you want to get into this. The amount of effort, frustration, daunting amounts of information needed to study/learn in order to do anything, period……there’s no way someone wanting a quick buck from theft/scams would stick to this field for long. 2.) I really, really, really like computers lol

Anyway, I’ve spent more time than I care to admit trying to figure out how reverse shells work. Sources online reference to metasploit, netcat, and so forth….which are neat tools, but in addition to me wanting to do things manually and understand the mechanics of said tools, there seemed to be a missing component, a step in the process that those YouTubers were neglecting to mention. Of course, there’s social engineering, which would be too easy for me, because I used to work in sales and collections; tricking people is practically in the job title lmao

That’s when I learned about buffer overflows, arbitrary code, and so forth. Not to mention, good ol’ packet crafting. Apparently assembly and C gets used to help one carry this task. Anyway, give me some pointers pls

Edit: Inb4, “learn both!” Believe me, I intend to, but not at the same time! I work full-time lol

submitted by /u/Fickle_Honey_3902
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from hacking: security in practice
