Chinese hackers targeted Electoral Commission and politicians, say…

  • Chinese state-backed hackers targeted the UK's democratic institutions and politicians in two malicious digital campaigns.

  • China accessed personal details of about 40 million voters during a cyber-attack on the Electoral Commission.

  • Four British parliamentarians critical of Beijing were targeted in a separate attack.

  • Individuals and a front company linked to the Chinese state-sponsored cyber-group APT31 were sanctioned by the UK.

  • The UK government faced criticism for being slow to respond to the cyber-attacks.

  • The UK has bolstered its cyber-defenses since the attacks in 2021 and 2022.

  • MPs and peers were among those targeted by cyber-attacks backed by China.

  • Labour supported efforts to counter attempts by China to interfere with the democratic process.

  • The Chinese government denied the cyber-attack accusations by the UK.

  • Lord Cameron raised the cyber-attacks directly with the Chinese foreign minister.


submitted by /u/NuseAI
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