Looking for some guidance for a presentation for a youth group.

I've been asked to provide an evening discussing "Technology" to a local youth group ages 13-18 in about a week. It's not last minute, but it's certainly not a ton of time to prepare. I'm in the industry and have kids in this youth group as well.

There are TONS of resources available on the interwebs, I get it. Yes, I've even done some of my own homework, shocker. :)

What I'm specifically looking for are two things, first off, what are the actual topics this age wants to hear about that will actually sink in?

Secondly, the current fad with this specific group seems to be taking those stupid surveys to see which superstar you would match with or whatever. They've been around forever.

I would love to create my own "survey of sorts" and demonstrate how much information they've unintentionally handed over. I'm not sure where to start here. I can certainly leverage a modern marketing solution or even code my own page and grab user agent info, etc., but I would love if there's something already out there that's purpose built. Even if that's leveraging a metasploit module or two. I recognize this could get into a "how to" space for malicious actors, so I'll just state up front that I'm both open to doing my own homework with a little direction as well as DMs with details. TIA!

submitted by /u/crcerror
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/Lq6rO8e
