How to read the payload of the TCP packets received and sent from a client application running on my local Windows machine?

So I have a client applicaton running on my local Windows machine. I want to read the payload of the TCP packets sent from it and received from the server.

I tried Wireshark and looked at some of the packets going to- and from the application. The payload was just gibberish, so I assume it's encrypted. I tried decoding it with ASCII, UTF-8 etc. but it was just not readable.

Since the client is running on my local machine, I have full control of that at least. But I have no source code and no access to the server.

How to achieve this? I've read that you can use some proxy program running on the local machine to decrypt the traffic and then read it. But I'm new to this kind of hacks so I'm a bit lost about how to approach this.

How would you do this? Is it even possible to read the traffic without access to the server or keys on there?

As I said, I'm new to this so keep that in mind if I asked some questions that have simple answers.


submitted by /u/EggBender93
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from hacking: security in practice
