7zip,John the Ripper, WinRAR, wondershare, ZipFiles, XMSL

I will call it *website X unless asked what specific one it is. We download this software/program from *website X onto our personal laptop. Instructor sends us an email 1 or 2 days ahead of time to go on (website) and Download our test.. We download our test file (wifi on) from the website to our personal laptops 2 days before test day. The files are downloaded onto our personal laptops, they are hidden files but I found the files by Run Open %ProgramData\% On the day of the test we go onto the *website X (WiFi on) then right before we click on take test, instructor gives us the 12 digit passcode that is almost always the same thing just a different number on the end…we have to shut down all VPN, virus protectors, and firewalls and turn off internet connection, the test does not let you open any other screens, run a virtual machine, etc. My question is, that zip file that we download the 2 days before the test contain everything in lots of separate files, XMDX, XMSL, JSON, Data Base Files, Text Documents… is there a way to “peak” into the file without extracting or clicking on it, or will the exam software and/or instructor be able to detect that I attempted anything with that file? There’s got to be a way to do this I am desperate 😞 I don’t even want the answer file I just want to see the questions ahead of time. This system is rigged for people who study their ass off and know the material but the trickery of these test questions and my anxiety are going to be the reason I fail again and I can’t keep living like this.. Plz help! By the way this *website X I am referring to is a sketchy as hell company. I had to agree to pretty much download malware on my laptop and give them full control of it. There are several complaints & lawsuits online about this company.

submitted by /u/lat2020
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/72nMJfo
