Hashcat for only three digits left - too short?

I there, I'm trying to lear how to use Hashcat.

I have a password where I know the Hash, I know the total number of characters is 8 and I know 5 of them with their position.

So I should use a simple mask, like this one


When I do so the error I get is:

The wordlist or mask that you are using is too small.

This means that hashcat cannot use the full parallel power of your device(s).

Unless you supply more work, your cracking speed will drop.

For tips on supplying more work, see: https://hashcat.net/faq/morework

I tried to search but I'm not able to find anything, at the same moment I think is not such complicated and I cannot understand which tecnique I could use to try to hack it.

Thanks for your help

submitted by /u/PetFra
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/EW0j8Va
