Detecting if someone is nearby

Background: I used to be pretty into what people now call “ethical hacking” but haven’t kept up with the skills as much as I’d have liked. But as you’ll see, I’ve found myself in a bit of a pickle, and would like to refresh myself on some of the methodology in order to keep myself safe. Any replies are much appreciated.

Situation: So, last year I had to issue a restraining order on someone I used to know due to reasons I don’t want to get into now. The thing is, I happen to know for fact (neighbors have seen them) that they still come by every now and then. I don’t care about the difficulty of it so much as my safety, so I just want some (any) method of knowing/being notified if they’re within let’s say a 25-50 meter radius of me or my home. Is there some way I can do this through WiFi, Bluetooth, apple location, etc?

Possibly relevant information:

We have each other as contacts and both use iPhone.

They may or may not have WiFi access to my house, but absolutely do have access to my neighbors WiFi (old coworkers).

They have previously connected their phone to a Bluetooth speaker I have in my house (prior to the protective order).

I’ll update if I think of anything else (feel free to ask).

Thanks in advance!

submitted by /u/hypnotropic
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from hacking: security in practice
