A Plea to Enlist Help to Save My Family from Generational Tragedy

First of all, I'm sorry for the dramatic title. I hope you can bear with me through this terribly sad story.

I didn't find out until very recently that my father has a secret family, including several young children who are my half-siblings. He's kept their identities completely secret and sent them to live in various boarding schools or with distant relatives. He's now in his old age and not at all interested in raising them himself. And I'm becoming increasingly concerned that they are not being taken care of the way my father had intended(via financial contribution), and the children's mother is mentally ill so not quite equipped. I have very limited clues as to who or where they are and would like to locate them as soon as possible.

The only clue I have as to where my half-siblings are is this encrypted Word document my father made years ago when he was still more mentally stable. Beyond this, all the clues I've collected have not led to definitively verifiable information about the children.

Would a kind helper please help me decrypt this Word doc that seems to have only built-in encryption from Word? I'd be happy to pay and will be eternally grateful to the person who helped me find my half-siblings.

**I understand if you have reservations about decrypting documents without verifying the ethics. I am happy to supply additional information that will verify this terrible situation that I'm in.

Thank you so much!!!

submitted by /u/Simple_Check_6809
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/jCt46Wq
