Secure SSH to home computer.

I am on the move a lot but need access to my dev desktop at home as the amount of data I work with does not mesh well with my laptop.

What I want to do is run VS Code on laptop and connect via SSH to my desktop.

The way I have implemented it so far: 1/ reverse ssh from home desktop to AWS ec2 host 2/ use ec2 host as a jump host 3/ configure ssh on laptop so that ec2 host is treated as a jump host

Working on settling up port knocking as well.

So, the question is two fold:

1/ Is SSH secure enough that I should assume it will not be hacked and data on my home computer is safe? I understand nothing is secure forever, but relatively to other options I guess... 2/ what are your practical recommendations to make this setup secure enough to be used on everyday basis. I know there are websites with steps how to harden ash/Linux, but I wanted to hear from the hackers what is actually important.


submitted by /u/seacybercoder
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from hacking: security in practice
