Wireshark monitoring

Hey guys last night I was monitoring my network as am learning but I have some confusion I had my wireshark setup to look for deauth and disassociate now from the guide and things iv read that should be empty in wireshark but I was receiving deauths on my network from my network.

I had no devices connected anyways I continued watching this wireshark like a hawk did some tests on myself also deauth method airodump but then all of a sudden there was a massive amount of deauth dissociate alerts to another router not my own.

Does this mean there's is also a nearby neighbour doing the sneaky sneaky

Also guys sorry but with deauth and dissociate would those attacks show as coming from my router or would it show the attackers router I have some confusion on this as like I said my 2 pings of deauth I was receiving was let's say every 10 minutes or so until the massive amount of packets come flying through.

Any advice on this would be really helpful as I would like to learn how to fully understand and detect attacks on my WiFii router.

There's also a hidden network that looks like it's hosting a BT-wifi and it's OPEN.

the BSSID is the same just 2 numbers difference to the hidden network the last 2 numbers.

the network looks fishy to me could this potentially be a MITM? As sometimes in airodump when monitoring in the BSSID/statiom section under the ESSID I see the name Headquarters now I'm not clever as you guys but I feel like this is the name of the hidden network attached to the open BTbwifi.

Is there anyway I can see the names of these hidden networks?

submitted by /u/Meaty_Chunk_in_jelly
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/Yyd26bC
