John The Ripper worldlist error

Hello there,

I was trying to bruteforce a zip file with John The Ripper using a custom wordlist but it wouldn't work.

For info, i'm on Windows, use cmd and have all the files needed in one and same place.

I did convert the zip to hash using this command :

zip2john.exe> hash.txt 

Then i tried to start the bruteforce using a custom worldlist by trying these commands :

john.exe hash.txt customwordlist.txt john.exe hash.txt -w="customwordlist.txt" john.exe hash.txt -wordlist="customwordlist.txt" john.exe hash.txt -w=customwordlist.txt 

None of these seem to really work, but they each give different errors.

Most 'intersting' error is :

invalid utf-8 seen reading 

Thanks to anyone willing to help.

submitted by /u/itskilim
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from hacking: security in practice
