Automate your recon with QtRecon

Hi everyone !

While I was having fun in the OSCP lab, I realized the recon phase was a little boring and repetitive : I always use the same tools and techniques, and even in real exercises, I very often have the same behavior when I discover an expected open network port (and when OPSEC is not important).

I created QtRecon (, heavily inspired from SPARTA. I wanted to know if I would be capable of writing from scratch such tool, that would perfectly fit my needs.

QtRecon fulfills 4 objectives :

  • Gather all my notes about machines, what I do, my reasonning when searching for vulnerabilities, outputs of consoles
  • Automate the "easy" recon phase : when a network port is found, QtRecon reads the configuration and launches pre-configured tools
  • Keep outputs of automated scripts and program in dedicated tabs, as well as the nmap output, and allows to launch additionnal tools from the GUI
  • Gather all my snippets of codes, reverse shells, or any note that I need to pick on a regular basis

However, for all of this to work, the user must create its customized configuration file (which is the price to pay to have a tool that does exactly what you expect it to do). A default one is included, which is the one I used during my OSCP exam. You can use it as-is, but as every setup is different, it will most likely not be working.

This tool is mainly designed to be used in CTF or pentests. If OPSEC is important to you, you must customize very precisely your configuration not to do anything risky.

Many other features are implemented, see for yourself. All feedback is really appreciated !

submitted by /u/Almazys
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from hacking: security in practice
