Unlock a "Smart Lock" for a locker

There is a company that creates Lockers for students, a few years ago i purchased a smart lock from them one for like 75 bucks and it works by connecting the phone to the bluetooth device and then open it.

I still have the app and it works fine but i wanted to try to hack it!

i tried decompiling the android app but it seems like they obfuscated the code

the lock it self works like this:

There is a round button that when you click it, it will allow you to turn on the lock for 3 seconds. (You are able to unlock it in these 3 seconds from the app)

i was able to use a bluetooth connect app to connect to it before it disconnected and that kept the connection alive (they made it like that so if the open task takes time the lock wont just shut off)

I did notice something in the connect app that when ever you turn off or on the lock it seems like there is a value that always gets changed but not to something specific just to random chars so i suspect it dosent really matter if you lock or unlock it, if you just change the value to a random number it will toggle it but i am not sure about that as i am not a professional.

any tips how to continue from here?

submitted by /u/tamirawad
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/Eh76wIF
