Can anyone help with this issue?

Can anyone help with this issue?

I’ve been configuring evilginx3 for a few days now and I’m stuck on a coding issue. I can’t get the softwares website pages to open up and function like they should. The websites(phishlets, they’re called in Evilginx) I have are from an older version ‘evilginx2’ not 3. In the GitHub repo, the readme states you have to modify your evilginx3 source code to support js inject (evilginx2 phishlets have js inject, version 3 doesn’t which is why I have to modify the source code. To be more specific, the read me says

“Modifying core\phishlet.go to allow regex in trigger_paths for js_inject. \Replace line (line 909) re, err := regexp.Compile("" + d + "$")

\with line re, err := regexp.Compile(d) gives you the exact line to change line “

But when I go to change that line I was given, it’s a whole different line, not the one that was given that needed to be replaced.

So there’s where my problem is, is anyone familiar with how I can modify my evilginx3 source code to allow regex in trigger_paths for js_inject?

submitted by /u/idkhmmmmmmm
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