Advice about using Kali Linux re backups, updates, etc

Hi, I'm a newbie learning my way thru TryHackMe.

Just wanted to ask all the experienced hackers, how do you maintain backups and deal with updates making certain software not work anymore?

I'm using VMware which doesn't support snapshots, while VirtualBox does. Should I swap and make snapshots every so often? like every week or few days?

After using Kali for a month or so, I just had an issue where it won't start up and when I googled, it said I should just delete it and reinstall the VM image. I did that and had to set up and install some stuff like Burp and Neo4j which is okays, but bit of a hassle.

If I'm coding I could use GIT or like Conda environments so that like I can control versions and compatability, but in Kali/VMWare, how do I go about doing that?

Also like if I update/upgrade Kali, of course now I can install and get some stuff to work, but also some stuff stops working. Armitage for example stops working, though I know that it's no longer supported. Is the trick also to only use software that is currently supported?


submitted by /u/Cardzilla
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from hacking: security in practice
