Send in Blue (currently known as Brevo) isn't working for me. My friend and I are using it to send phishing emails to each other. Send in blue ensures that an email goes to a person's main inbox and not spam. Are there any alternatives that work?

I am a data scientist and am fascinated (currently) by developing an ML model that classifies spam/phishing emails from non spam/phishing. But I want to get a good grasp of how phishing works. Is there any good software or anything that I could use to ensure that when sending a phishing email that it goes directly to their main inbox. I am using Zphisher for constructing links.

When using send in blue I am getting an error. I seem to be getting as it states tls set up failed, host name verification failed error. I think the issue is with the SSL version negotiation between the client (my system) and the server. It indicates that the client is expecting a different SSL version than what the server is providing.

submitted by /u/ethiopianboson
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from hacking: security in practice
