What's some good gifts to give to a my hacking bf?

*typo in title

Hello everyone and apologize in advance as I don't know much about this world except for what my boyfriend talks me about.

He's extremely passionate about hacking and I would love to gift him something related to this field, these are all the information that I currently have:

- He would love to start bug hunting

- He is really interested in GOlang and Malware Dev using specifically GOlang (Already has some nostarch books (bug bounty bootcamp and go for blackhat))

- Also interested in how to develop game hacking

- He already knows Flipper Zero but he's a bit reticent about buying it becaue he's not sure how much of an use he could do

- Already has a raspberry pi

I was looking at this thinghy here: https://shop.hak5.org/products/usb-rubber-ducky since I know he likes mr robot too, but would really love some more advice!

submitted by /u/notsalem
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/1t4TU62
