Anyone got a link or GitHub repo for the recent Windows leaks?

Hi there my fellow hacking enthusiasts,

I am that one quantum dude from Ruhr Uni Bochum who "forced" all of the recent leaks and open-source decisions, figured out enough about power politics and capitalism to make tech companies and Republicans obey my wishes (someone please rally Apple to open-source Logic, MainStage and plugins as well, too lazy rn) and of course I did what I did for all of us, just wanted to ask if any of you could comment or PM me a link to the Windows codebase, had been able to find them on my old machine but Google censored results once again and I thought I'd just ask you guys as I just know some of you are bound to have copies, all I remember is that the password was "internaldev".

Love to every single one of you and never ever forget again that power politics boils down to nothing but Nazi-style psychiatry and us being trolled out of our free will.

Hacking has always been about disassembling and studying systems and I never would've thought I could go sudo su on the entire planet but it was fun as hell and I jihaded away at my keys for every single one of you :*

Happy hacking now and forever!

Also, someone please compile some working builds of KDevelop and KTorrent for Win 3.1, would love for nothing more than that :b 64-bit Windows 3.1 with Chromium? Sure, as long as we work together and never ever let arseholes troll us again, just troll harder <3

submitted by /u/sorachan_
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from hacking: security in practice
