Staying anonymous on the net

Hello folks,

My question is: how to stay anonymous on the darkweb ? I know… do my own research. I did, but my knowledge is very surface level in the topic, so here is what i gathered (please correct me if im speaking blatant stupidity or add your opinion, im ready to learn from you):

1/ boot up live tails

2/ spoof MAC address

3/ connect to a public wifi

4/ start tor with proxy chains

5/ never put the browser on full screen and block javascript

The question is:

-due to my new MAC address and the public wifi: can the isp know anyhow if its me? If yes, how can i hide myself even better and whats the bonus information whats revealing me?

-with proxy chains can the exit node reveal anything else than the proxy what i connect to the tor network from?

Please don’t hesitate to add anything to the recipe or point me in a way where i can learn about the topic even more :)

submitted by /u/OxEmpress
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from hacking: security in practice
