Silently grabbing data from unlocked Windows computers?

So I’m frequently around laptops in the energy industry that are left unlocked and unattended for some time. They belong to temporary contractors on site from OEMs.

If you are tasked with stealing session cookies and saved passwords from them silently, how would you go about doing this? I’ve been thinking about just using a rubber ducky script but I am wondering if plugging in a foreign usb device is detectable. I’m unsure what software is running on these laptops, but I do know it’s windows. Some definitely use Sophos AV, and I’m sure other contractors use something else, but there’s always a chance they’re not using any AV.

And I’m looking for quick data extraction, 5 seconds or less, for the 3 major browsers (chrome, Firefox, and edge). What tools would you use?

submitted by /u/drunk_recipe
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from hacking: security in practice
