what to do with my home server

Hello all, I decided recently after I just moved, getting some raspberry PIs to screw around with, not to mention I have a few desktops sitting around I don't use. Might be fun to setup a home server (or a few?). It came to me that I think it would be really fun to mess around, pen test, and work on this little home server of mine just out of curiosity and learning.

My main question is, is there a way I should specifically setup my home server for optimal pen testing, and screwing around with or just set it up anyway I like? (I suppose actually using it for what it is would be nice too) Also, is this a good idea for getting into pen testing, learning how to protect my servers (or myself?) Or is there a different, better way of going about it. Im a complete beginner on anything hacking related, just have done a few beginner ctfs and know some code. I think messing with my own home server I could learn alot, and hopefully give me a little ego boost. (If this isnt a good idea for any reason please say so, I will be messing around with home servers for other reasons other than pen testing and CS stuff but just thought i'd ask since it sounds kinda interesting and fun.)

Anyways, any tips or tricks for my little idea here is all im looking for, or any more cool ways on beginning to learn stuff like that.

Also, idk if I really have to say this, but I have little to no experience with even ethical hacking. This idea of mine is purely to help me as a beginner; learning and having fun while doing so, using my own home server(s).

submitted by /u/Useful_Emphasis_8402
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/pbiBrqU
