What got you into hacking? Poll 1 (College Sociology Project)

Hello all, I hope this post is allowed. I am in my last quarter of college for my associates degree in IT Networking in Cybersecurity. I am creating a poll for my last project in my Sociology in Deviance class. Deviance is: "the fact or state of departing from usual or accepted standards". Although hackers may do what they consider to be ethical for the greater good, the acts may still be considered deviant because their actions break social norms. Although most people here are likely learning about exploits to harden security, if you do any hacking at all, or even penetration testing, I would love to hear your experience if you have time!

My project for background is: "Exploring Deviant Identities in Online Communities", and as a subject I chose hacking/Online Fraud.

Open ended question to comment if interested: What got you into hacking?

Thanks in advance! I will make one more post if that's okay with the mods, to ask "What is motivating you to continue hacking?".

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submitted by /u/icey-yoe
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/jSWcwo7
