viewing privated youtube videos trough wayback machine

Hi, so as the title says, i've just found out a way to watch privated youtube videos, not sure if this was known or just a fluke with this video.

So I was looking up some rap battle that i rememberd watching from my childhood, but to my suprise it seemed like ot was deleted. Did some googling and found a tweet with the link:

As you can see the video went private and you cant view it. I heard about wayback machine but hadnt rlly used it before, so i tried to look up the link there but it didnt exist. But then i saw that you could add the link to the wayback machine yourself. So, without thinking that it would work, i added it. And for some reason, it actually worked and i can watch the video trough there:

Idk if this is even considered hacking or what, but i joined this sub recently and been lurking, and when this happened just now i tought it'd be cool to post here. Also lmk if ya'll try it on other videos and if it works.

Also lmk if this could prove useful to anyone in a pentesting context. Really doubt it but who knows lol, im doing tryhackme rn and really much a beginner, interested in (ethical) hacking (:

submitted by /u/DefNotSanestBaj
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from hacking: security in practice
