Bcrypt Hash CTF

Can the bcrypt in a db be decrypted?

I joined a CTF event representing my company. I passed all the levels but I am stuck at Blind-SQLi hard stage. The vulnerable WA is a php-login-form page that accepts user input in cleartext, but it encrypts the input in transit as bcrypt and compares it to the db stored values before login. uses SSO to navigate between pages. I managed to get some info out using some "AND sleep()" time payloads

The goal is to get the root uid:pass from the test-db but both are hashed in bcrypt ($2*$10). So I can't even decipher what the root uid is cos there are like 30 different uid entries and blind testing is QUITE SLOW.

Please I need some tips as my job and LIFE depends on it

submitted by /u/PlaneThatTeewa
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/LvTDYaV
