Blackmarket prices for passwords in early 2000's

Hey guys, so I have a question for a brief speech I am writing about password security (for a public speaking class, so I just need listeners' attention and not some complex speech or anything). I know that nowadays, logon dumps are so common and come in such large sizes that the monetary value of a single user's information (assuming that of your regular joe and not someone with a lot of wealth) is essentially nothing. I have looked at articles on breaches like Collection#1 and, and am presenting on that as well, but I was wondering what a password for a single users logon information could have been back in the early 2000's when large data breaches would have been rare and made national news if even like over 1,000 users logon information was leaked. I am reading Hacking Multifactor Authentication by Roger Grimes, and he says that a single user's information could have gotten hackers "many tens of dollars" but I was wondering if anyone knew a less vague price range that I could use. Thanks!

submitted by /u/Johnson_56
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from hacking: security in practice
