Overbearing Employer, https protocol inquiry

So my current employer is what seems to be monitoring our every move from laptops. We work through a what I guess is an https hand shake. Work is performed and completed, however there are large gaps of time between assignments, they expect us to entertain the notion that we will do nothing beyond staring at the screen with little to no other activity. I love to read books and Manga, I have tons stored on said pc in pdf and .text format. Netstat on windows 10 showed only tcp traffic on the device but I'm not aware what other methods they have at their disposal to monitor our activity. Is it possible to read while on the clock and logged into the https Chrome browser and keep reading pdfs/texts documents without them seeing/knowing. I was thinking about installing virtual box and running Linux to try to hide it with no web connectivity through the vm, but not sure. Please help before I die from boredom....

Edit. I have been a linux daily users for over a decade at home, I'm not very familiar with windows beyond 98. So forgive my ignorance.

We work on location logged into their router, we are supplied laptops with windows 10 heavily modified with proprietary software. They have an https connection through chrome browser that almost locks out any other activity. I'm afraid to even minimize the browser as I'm not certain what could happen.

submitted by /u/Rotteapple
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