How would someone remotely place an overlapped IO on my pc? Basically my pc looks as it should but acts as if it is being monitored or controlled by someone else

I suspect that someone is remotely monitoring my PC and while I’m not all that familiar with hacking, I did enough digging into my pc to discover something that seemed to be called or referencing an overlapping io. It seems to be something like Linux running a carbon copy of my operating system and files over top of it.

It acts strangely and depending on how deeply I dig into certain information the pc seems to begin to fight me with the mouse physically moving to close windows and such.

How do I remove this and prevent it from happening again, and what kind of person or group would have such skills? Seems pretty advanced to me. How were they able to install such a thing?

submitted by /u/Fluid-Initial-92
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from hacking: security in practice
