topmostp: A simple CLI tool to retrieve the N top most used ports

topmostp (Topmost Ports) is a tool that allows you to quickly retrieve the most used ports. The source of the ranking is the nmap-services in the nmap repo.

I know that the top ports can be retrieved with a single bash oneliner, but this tool gives you also different features such as stats about a specific port and also allows you to find the port by service. It is particularly useful when chained with other tools like naabu:

naabu -p $(topmostp all 15 --silent) -host In this snippet the output of topmostp is used to retrieve the list of the top 10 ports and it is chained with the naabu port scanning tool.

Finally there is also a little demo made with asciinema even though in this demo some features (like stats and search) are missing.

This is the link of the GitHub repo:

submitted by /u/deleee
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from hacking: security in practice
