Master's capstone project - home lab + reports

I'm in my final semester of my Master's program and one of the classes I'm taking is my final capstone class. I'd like to create my own home lab, hack into a handful of machines, then write up a report on them for my capstone. I'd like to get some advice on whether or not this is feasible, and if so, gather some info on good resources to make it happen. Some of my questions are:

-What is a good resource for creating a home lab?

-What is a good source of hackable machines for said lab?

-Where can I find some good templates for pentesting reports?

-Are there any other questions I should be asking myself/Reddit or things I should know?

My biggest constraint is time. I have to be able to show I can hack into a machine and write up a report on it within 6 weeks. Any help is appreciated!

submitted by /u/3point14meterpithon
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from hacking: security in practice
