I’m a web developer wanting to make the switch into the cyber security field. Specifically web app security. Additionally I’m also curious about malware development (as a hobbie / to understand the field more)

I’ve been a full stack web developer for a bit over 5 years. Specifically with the MERN stack, but I know quite a bit a Python, MySQL, Java, and a bit of PHP. Im curious what I’d have to do with my free time to better understand the field of web app security? Anything I can build or study? Since I’ve done my fair bit of web development im familiar with common attack vectors like SQL Injextion, XSS, CSRF/XSRF, DNS Spoofing, and phishing / spam websites. Aside from this what are some things I should study up on?

As for the malware side of stuff, I’d like to get into it to see if I enjoy it. I’ve always thought it be cool to make viruses and stuff, are there any sources for creating malware / exploits with Python specifically?

submitted by /u/ThatAnonMan
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/QvZRg9w
