Bluetooth/programmable/hackable buttplug recommendation

So I had this idea of hacking a vibrating buttplug into running a chess engine. Essentially it would be either be fed a board state over bluetooth to then run a chess engine on an embedded chip which would calculate best move and vibrate a binary code of said best move, or be fed a best move as a binary code and then vibrate said move.

For this project I'm wondering of anybody has recommendations for buttplugs which would be suitable. It needs to be able to communicate wirelessly either via bluetooth or WiFi, and it needs to be either easily controlable remotely, or easily hackable. Preferably something which can be bought or shipped within Europe/Scandinavia, but not a disaster if I have to ship it from the US.

While we're on it, it would also be nice to know some software suitable for taking captured footage of a chess board and turning it into a PGN/FEN-format chess board. This is another vital part of my project, but I figure I can more easily find a solution to this. I know some Masters students in ML which might be willing to help me on that part.

submitted by /u/IWishIKnewSooner999
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from hacking: security in practice
