Someone just ordered on my Grubhub

I haven't used grubhub in a while. I got a notification today that my order would be ready soon and got confused. I texted my gf and she said she didn't order anything. Luckily, I could still login with my gmail. I saw an $80 order to another state, and my email on grubhub was changed to a different one. I instantly tried to cancel and contacted grubhub support saying someone was in my account. They refunded me the order and I changed my grubhub password and my gmail password just to be safe.

I have 2 questions:

Is there anything else I realistically need to do to ensure my privacy?

Is there any way I can get this motherfucker back? I have an address (probably not theirs, but a close one) and an email (probably only used for this). I'm so pissed.

submitted by /u/bloink71
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from hacking: security in practice
