What are some good subs, sites, resources for learning about custom phone ROMs?

I made a post last night but didn't get many replies. I have a Samsung Galaxy A3 I want to experiment with. I rooted it but am not sure where to go next.

Ideally I'd like a full version of Linux in my pocket that can still make phone calls. I saw that Ubuntu touch works on this model and also LineageOS but when I did a search I can't find much on them, people reviewing them, showing what they can do and why I should use them.

Is there anywhere I can learn about all of this in depth? I saw a great Defcon talk that skimmed over the subject, talking about custom bootloaders and so on but I can't find many resources.

Any guidance would be appreciated, I don't need my hand holding, just a good resource if one exists. If not I'll take the hard route of trial and error.


submitted by /u/MuckyPixels
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/eWQU1sV
