recruiting for theVOID CTF team

recruiting for theVOID CTF team

hello everyone. I'm a CTF-ist who has been in the game for a while, and now wanna move it up the leader-board instead of being a solo-ist as we all have been at one point or another

What am I looking for?

  • moderate skills, but with excellent attitude to learn and being a team-player
  • Active members, we sign up for every upcoming CTF, while we do not expect you to be available whenever we have a CTF, but we expect moderate availability
  • people who wanna be challenged, and take it to the next level
  • straight-to-the-point people with actions, more doing, less talking

I have experience in

  • programming: I worked as a dev as I mentioned, and for that reason I have extensive knowledge in software development and hacking a script to get the job done, my forte is python & C but I have worked on other projects in go/php/.net as a freelancer
  • bin exploitation: I did pretty much every single challenge on picoctf[1] and phoenix-exploit-education[2]
  • web exploitation: You can check my blog that has a few writeups on hackthebox boxes which have plenty of demonstrated experience in that.

Our Team

we are relatively a new team currently consisting of a 6 people, we are from different regions which span from UTC+1 to UTC+5:30. We plan to expand pretty much, launch our website and keep the flow going, and I want you to join me ;)

p.s if you are interested, DM me on discord

- my discord handle: Tyr4n7#0133

- my blog:

- [1]

- [2]

submitted by /u/C00kiie
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from hacking: security in practice
