Over the course of the past four months

I've single handedly learned Linux, Networking, surveillance, how to read hex, how to directly edit memory edit my own Grub config files, how to harden a kernel, how to sandbox, and most importantly, fight back. Much rather die fighting than on my knees.

Persistence goes both ways.

yes it was a rootkit

yes they were in the GPU's

And fuck all the gaslighters who literally at every turn told me to "seek professional help" literally every single post i made on the internet and mostly here on Reddit was met with people trying to convince me what was happening, wasn't, instead of helping.

Five API's in memory, Lockbit ransomware, Trojan's, Worms, all just first detected around my first post asking for help.

I have all of this documented. Terabytes worth of data, shittily filmed videos, and now thousands of files uploaded to Hybrid-analysis, virus total, and so on. Netting multiple signed, legitimate files with hashes never before seen.

Feels good man.

submitted by /u/M1904Trading
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/zjHN1Vq
