Learning how to hack non-independently

Okay, I’ve seen plenty of resources on hackerone, tryhackme, hackthebox, and I’ve bought a book on web application hacking and I’ve watched “bug bounty hunter’s methodology” and I’ve even found two account takeover vulnerabilities in different websites, one of which was owned by a fairly large company!

I certainly haven’t used all of the listed resources to their full extent, but what I’ve established from the time I’ve spent is that learning to hack, or more specifically bug bounty hunting, is incredibly difficult to do independently. I understand that’s how it is for nearly everyone in this field, but I’m still wondering if there’s somewhere I can go that’s got at least slightly more support than just sitting at my laptop alone?

submitted by /u/The-Lozenger
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from hacking: security in practice https://ift.tt/H0S3vC4
