How to approach Burp Suite academy and certification

Hello folks, I currently study web vulnerabilities on Burp Suite academy with the next opportunity to pass the certification exam as well as gain skills and understanding for OWASP TOP 10 vulnerabilities testing for the future job.

The question is how to make notes that helped me in the job/certification exam?

I literally copy the whole page text to my Obsidian editor... Just don't want to lose some information that causes me to misunderstand something. It is like a whole Burp Academy website in my Obsidian, just without pictures, this probably makes no sense as I can not find or define needed information for vulns finding and exploitation. (just a bunch of info: what vulnerability is about, how it impact a business, types of vulns, etc. )

I want to make like cheatsheet for myself based on the content regarding vulnerabilities identification/testing/exploitation, that helps me in an exam environment and the real world.

Any tips are appreciated, thank you in advance.

submitted by /u/TRYH0
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from hacking: security in practice
