How the FUCK am i supposed to make money from being a legal hacker when all the jobs require 3+ years of "experience" and a Bachelor's Degree in Computer Science?

Am i just supposed to go to college for Computer Science, study hacking on the side and work at Walmart until then? The hell? 70% of hackers are self taught and they're asking for Bachelor's Degrees?

This is supposed to be my main source of income right now, it's where i'm putting 80% of my time and energy. I chose this because I didn't want to work construction or fast food and had no other choice.

No wonder there are so many illegal hackers, these people ask for way too much but you still get paid less than a doctor who sits on his ass writing letters half the time even after getting every requirement (certifications, Bachelor's Degree, years of experience, etc.)

submitted by /u/itsgonbeokayyeah
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from hacking: security in practice
