(beEf) Default username and password in use!

today I installed beef on Kali Linux with

sudo git clone the link

then I changed myself to root with

sudo su

then cd'd into beef with

cd beef/

then I installed all the packages and gems with


and finally started beEf with


but I got this error

[23:14:41][!] ERROR: Default username and password in use! [23:14:41] |_ Change the beef.credentials.passwd in config.yaml 

but when I try to edit the user and pass in config.yaml, it shows it's a read-only file and asks me if I want to save it as a different file, if I click yes, it asks me if I want to replace the other one, I click yes and it shows me the same "do u want to save this read-only file?" again...and this cycle goes on

what should I do now to change the read-only file to an editable file

p.s. I tried

sudo vi my/file/path

and clicked i to edit

but it doesn't let me edit

submitted by /u/Aryangsuktekar
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